3.03.1 Display Meteorological Data

Same period but more parameters to compare

Station: Kloten/Zürich Flughafen


          Einheit       Beschreibung
tso020s0  °C            Bodentemperatur 20 cm Tiefe; Momentanwert
fkl010z1  m/s           Böenspitze (Sekundenböe); Maximum
xchills0  °C            Chill Temperatur; Momentanwert
brefarz0  No            Fernblitze (Entfernung 3 - 30 km); Zehnminutensumme
gre000z0  W/m²          Globalstrahlung; Zehnminutenmittel
prestas0  hPa           Luftdruck auf Stationshöhe (QFE); Momentanwert
tre200s0  °C            Lufttemperatur 2 m über Boden; Momentanwert
brecloz0  No            Nahblitze (Entfernung weniger als 3 km); Zehnminutensumme
rre150z0  mm            Niederschlag; Zehnminutensumme
rii000s0  mm/h          Niederschlagsrate (Intensität); Momentanwert
ure200s0  %             Relative Luftfeuchtigkeit 2 m über Boden; Momentanwert
vhoauts0  m             Sichtweite; automatische Messung
fkl010z0  m/s           Windgeschwindigkeit skalar; Zehnminutenmittel
dkl010za  °             Windrichtung; Standardabweichung
dkl010z0  °             Windrichtung; Zehnminutenmittel
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as plticker
from datetime import date

def scale(a):    return (a-a.min())/(a.max()-a.min())

Read Meteorological Data

def read_meteo_data(fName):
    colNames = ['Stao','time', 'T_Boden_20cm', 'V_Windböe', 'T_Chill', 'Flash_30km', 'Glob_rad', 'QFE','T_2m','Flash_3km','Rain_Sum','Rain_intens','H_rel','visibi','V_wind','stabw_V_wind','direction_wind']
    df = pd.read_csv(fName,sep=';', skiprows=3, names=colNames, na_values='-')
    return df

fPath = '/mnt/daten/04_Schule/42_Kanti/Matrua/Music_generation/Organisation/MeteoSchweiz/Daten/'
fName = 'order_74947_data.txt'
dM = read_meteo_data(fPath+fName)

#---- Parameter bestimmen -----------
NT, MP = dM.shape
print('NT, MP', NT, MP)
  Stao          time  T_Boden_20cm  V_Windböe  T_Chill  Flash_30km  Glob_rad  0  KLO  201908270000          20.4        1.2     14.2           0         2
1  KLO  201908270010          20.4        0.9     14.4           0         2
2  KLO  201908270020          20.4        1.1     14.4           0         1
3  KLO  201908270030          20.4        0.8     13.8           0         2
4  KLO  201908270040          20.4        0.5     14.2           0         2

     QFE  T_2m  Flash_3km  Rain_Sum  Rain_intens  H_rel  visibi  V_wind  0  968.2  14.2          0       0.0          0.0   99.6  6626.0     0.7
1  968.2  14.4          0       0.0          0.0   98.5  1277.0     0.5
2  968.2  14.4          0       0.0          0.0   98.6  4900.0     0.5
3  968.3  13.8          0       0.0          0.0   99.0  7417.0     0.6
4  968.2  14.2          0       0.0          0.0   99.7   981.0     0.4

   stabw_V_wind  direction_wind
0             9             110
1            40             198
2            28             333
3             4             326
4            30             256
NT, MP 2160 17

Parse begin and end date

def parse_date(A):
    yr = int(str(A)[0:4])
    mo = int(str(A)[4:6])
    dy = int(str(A)[6:8])
    hr = int(str(A)[8:10])
    mi = int(str(A)[10:12])
    return date(yr,mo,dy)

firstDateM = dM['time'].iloc[0]
lastDateM = dM['time'].iloc[-1]

firstDate = parse_date(firstDateM); print('firstDate', firstDate)
lastDate = parse_date(lastDateM);   print('lastDate',  lastDate)
firstDate 2019-08-27
lastDate 2019-09-10

Plot data

# ---- Parameter festlegen ----------
w3 = 18
w6 = 6
h24 = 6*24
tt = np.arange(NT)/h24  # Zeitachse in Tagen

#---- graphics ---------------------
with plt.style.context('fivethirtyeight'):
    for k in range(2,MP,1):
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(22,3))
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

        Y = np.array(dM[dM.columns[k]])
        Y3 = np.array(dM[dM.columns[k]].rolling(window=w3,center=True).mean())
        Y6 = np.array(dM[dM.columns[k]].rolling(window=w6,center=True).mean())

        plt.plot(tt,Y,linewidth=1.0, label=dM.columns[k])
        plt.plot(tt,Y3,linewidth=1.0, label=dM.columns[k]+', moving average 3h')
        plt.plot(tt,Y6,linewidth=1.0, label=dM.columns[k]+', moving average 1h')

        plt.hlines(Y.min(),5.5, 6.5, colors='lime', linewidth=8, linestyles='solid', label='change')

        loc = plticker.MultipleLocator(base=1.0) # this locator puts ticks at regular intervals
        plt.title('Period: '+str(firstDate)+' to '+str(lastDate))
../../_images/output_8_01.png ../../_images/output_8_11.png ../../_images/output_8_21.png ../../_images/output_8_31.png ../../_images/output_8_41.png ../../_images/output_8_51.png ../../_images/output_8_6.png ../../_images/output_8_7.png ../../_images/output_8_8.png ../../_images/output_8_9.png ../../_images/output_8_10.png ../../_images/output_8_111.png ../../_images/output_8_12.png ../../_images/output_8_13.png ../../_images/output_8_14.png
for k in range(2,MP,1):
    print(k, dM.columns[k])
2 T_Boden_20cm
3 V_Windböe
4 T_Chill
5 Flash_30km
6 Glob_rad
8 T_2m
9 Flash_3km
10 Rain_Sum
11 Rain_intens
12 H_rel
13 visibi
14 V_wind
15 stabw_V_wind
16 direction_wind