2.08 Ending

A specific chord pattern can be added at the end of the “song”

from pyknon.genmidi import Midi
from pyknon.music import Rest, Note, NoteSeq
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Instruments: Available are at lest the 128 General-Midi (GM) Instruments. Depending on the sound-fonts there is a bigger choice. A list of the GM instruments can be found here. https://jazz-soft.net/demo/GeneralMidi.html

major = np.array([ 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11])
minor = np.array([ 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10])
blues = np.array([ 0, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10])
C7 = np.array([ 0, 4, 7, 10])
CM7 = np.array([ 0, 4, 7, 11])
Cm7 = np.array([ 0, 3, 7, 10])
Cm  = np.array([ 0, 3, 7])
C   = np.array([ 0, 4, 7])
power = np.array([ 0,7])
bass= np.array([ 0])
def scale_create(tones):
    tones = np.asarray(tones)   # tones which form chord or scale in the first octave (0-11)
    if any(tones > 11):             # tones over one octave?
        tones = np.mod(tones,12)    # set the thones in one octave
        tones = np.sort(tones)      # sort the tones new
        tones = np.unique(tones)    # remove duplicate tones
    octave = np.repeat( np.linspace(0,108, num=10), len(tones))
    scale = np.add( octave, np.tile(tones, 10)) # add element wise octave and note
    return scale.astype(int)

def fade(start,end,steps): # currently not in use
    fade = np.around( np.linspace(start,end,num=steps))
    fade = fade.astype(int)
    return fade

def ran_volume(volume, prob_volume, melody_len):
    volume = np.asarray(volume, dtype=int)         # this are the allowed volumes of thenotes
    prob_volume = np.asarray(prob_volume)          # this are the probabilities how often each volume will occure
    prob_volume = prob_volume/np.sum(prob_volume)
    volumes = np.r_[np.random.choice(volume, size=melody_len, p=prob_volume)]
    return volumes

#   currently not in use
def intvl_melody(intvl, prob_intvl, melody_len):  #Interval Melody
    intvl = np.asarray(intvl)            # Possible interval
    prob_intvl = np.asarray(prob_intvl)         # Probability of each interval
    prob_intvl = prob_intvl/np.sum(prob_intvl)
    intervals = np.r_[np.random.choice(intvl, size=melody_len, p=prob_intvl)]
    imelody = np.cumsum(intervals)
    return imelody

#   liniar_range: Generates an range in which the instrument can play.
def liniar_range(r_start, r_top, r_edge, r_end): # acceptance range of the instrument
    h = 100 # hight of acceptance function
    a_range = np.zeros(121, dtype=int)  # only to midi =120 as 127 is not a complete octave
    np.put(a_range, range(r_start,r_top),  np.linspace(0,h, num=(r_top -r_start)) )
    np.put(a_range, range(r_top, r_edge),  np.linspace(h,h, num=(r_edge-r_top  )) )
    np.put(a_range, range(r_edge, r_end),  np.linspace(h,0, num=(r_end -r_edge )) )

    return a_range

#   i_last_note: finds de i value of the last not in the actual scale.
def i_last_note(note, scale):
    i_note = (np.abs(scale - note)).argmin()
    return i_note

#   intvl_next is a modification of intvl_melody. But it does only creats one interval and not an array/melody in one time.
def intvl_next(intvl, prob_intvl):  #singel interval
    intvl = np.asarray(intvl)            # Possible interval
    prob_intvl = np.asarray(prob_intvl)         # Probability of each interval
    prob_intvl = prob_intvl/np.sum(prob_intvl)
    interval = np.random.choice(intvl, size=1, p=prob_intvl)
    return interval[0]

#   acceptance: accepts and refuses proposed nots with Metropolis-Hasting Algorythem.
#     x is the value in the aceptance range of the current note, while x_new is it from the proposoal note
def acceptance(x, x_new):
    if x_new < 1:
        if x < 1:
            print('start_note not in range')
    quot = x_new/x
    if quot >= 1: return True
    if np.random.uniform(0,1)< quot: return True
    else: return False

#   ran_duration crats a random rythem with length melody_len (numbers of beats)
def ran_duration(duration, prob_duration, melody_len):
    duration= np.asarray(duration)                  # this are the allowed durations of the notes
    prob_duration = np.asarray(prob_duration)       # this are the probabilities how often each will occure
    prob_duration = prob_duration/np.sum(prob_duration)
    cumsum, melody_len, rythem = 0, melody_len/4 , np.asarray([])  #melody_len/4 as note values are quarter
    while cumsum < melody_len:
        note_len = np.random.choice(duration, p=prob_duration)
        cumsum = cumsum + note_len
        rythem = np.append(rythem,note_len)
    return rythem , len(rythem)

#   plot_range: plot all ranges together
def plot_range(ranges,labels,title):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    plt.xlabel('Midi Note')

    for a_range, lab in zip(ranges,labels):
        ax.plot(range(121), a_range,label= lab )
    ax.vlines(x=np.linspace(0,108, num=10), ymin=0, ymax=10, color='grey', label='Octaves',linewidth=1) # plot octaves

def acceptance_melody(intvl, prob_intvl, pattern, start_note, a_range, notenr, rythem):
    melody = np.zeros(notenr, dtype=int)
    cum_rythem = np.cumsum(rythem) *4
    cum_rythem = np.concatenate(([0],cum_rythem))[:-1] # add 0 at beginig remove last element
    scale_change = pattern[:,0]
    scale_nr =0
    scale = pattern[scale_nr,1]
    melody[0] = scale[i_last_note(start_note,scale)]

    for npn in range(1, notenr):  #npn: note per note (index)
        scale_nr = np.ravel(np.argwhere(scale_change <= cum_rythem[npn-1])) [-1]
        scale = pattern[scale_nr,1]

        accept = False
        while not accept:       # aslong acept == False
            inote = i_last_note(melody[npn-1],scale)
            inote_next = inote + intvl_next(intvl, prob_intvl)         # add current not with Proposition
            accept_val = a_range[[melody[(npn-1)],scale[inote_next]]]  # get acceptance values
            accept = acceptance(accept_val[0],accept_val[1])
        melody[npn] = scale[inote_next]
    return melody

pattern_gen The end pattern replaces the normal pattern at the end.

def pattern_gen(scales,end_scale, melody_len):
    bpb = 4  # beats per bar

    scales   = np.asarray(scales)
    factor = int(np.trunc(melody_len/(np.sum(scales[:,0]) * bpb)) + 1) # factor rounded up: how many times is the pattern used
    change_times = np.cumsum(np.tile(scales[:,0],factor)) * bpb        # create change time list with factor
    change_times = np.concatenate((np.asarray([0]),change_times))[:-1] # add 0 at beginig remove last element

    for i in range(len(scales)):          # send scales to scale_create
        scales[i,1] = scale_create(scales[i,1])
    pattern = np.tile(scales,(factor,1))   # tile the scales as long the melody is
    pattern[:,0] = change_times            #insert change_times into scales

    end_scale= np.asarray(end_scale)
    end_times = melody_len - np.cumsum(( end_scale[:,0]*bpb )[::-1])[::-1]   # reversed cumsum subtracted of melody_len
    end_scale[:,0] = end_times              #insert end_times into en_scale
    for i in range(len(end_scale)):         # send end_scale to scale_create
        end_scale[i,1] = scale_create(end_scale[i,1])

    pattern = np.delete(pattern, np.argwhere(pattern[:,0] >= end_scale[0,0]) ,0) # remove unneeded scales
    pattern = np.concatenate((pattern,end_scale),axis=0)
    pattern = np.delete(pattern, np.argwhere(pattern[:,0] >= melody_len) ,0)     # remove if end is 0 bars
    return pattern


  • A Ending Chord change is defined. It replaces the normal pattern at the end.
  • the first voice has a different pattern. It plays on the Blues scale.
  • Three Piano voices play in a range of an octave and generate together the chords of the extended Blues scheme
def tune_V():
    tune_name = 'tune_V'
    bar, bpb = 12, 4  # bar: Takt , bpb: beat per bar
    melody_len = bar * bpb

    #scales = [[1,CM7],[1,Cm7+9],[1,Cm7+2],[1,C7+7]] #rythem Change
    #scales = [[4,C7],[2,C7+5],[2,C7],[1,C7+7],[1,C7+5],[2,C7]] # Blues
    scales = [[1,C7],[1,C7+5],[2,C7],[2,C7+5],[2,C7],[1,C7+7],[1,C7+5],[1,C7],[1,C7+7]] # Blues erweitert
    end_scale = [[1,power]]
    pattern = pattern_gen(scales, end_scale, melody_len)
    pattern2 = pattern_gen([[12,blues]], end_scale, melody_len)

    # Solo voice
    range_1 = liniar_range(44,51,72,78)
    rythem1, notenr_1 = ran_duration([1/16,1/8, 1/4,1/2], [3,5,3,0.5], melody_len)
    melody1 = acceptance_melody([-2,-1, 0, 1, 2],[2, 3, 1, 3, 2],pattern2, 68, range_1, notenr_1, rythem1)
    volumes1 = ran_volume([0,127], [1,4], notenr_1 )
    notes1 = NoteSeq( [Note(no,octave=0, dur=du, volume=vo) for no,du,vo in zip(melody1,rythem1,volumes1)] )

    # Bass voice
    range_2 = liniar_range(38,41,52,67)
    rythem2, notenr_2 = ran_duration([1/8, 1/4,1/2], [4,4,1], melody_len)
    melody2 = acceptance_melody([-2,-1, 0, 1, 2],[0, 3, 1, 3, 0],pattern, 46, range_2, notenr_2,rythem2)
    volumes2 = ran_volume([0,120], [0,8], notenr_2 )
    notes2 = NoteSeq( [Note(no,octave=0, dur=du, volume=vo) for no,du,vo in zip(melody2,rythem2,volumes2)] )

    # Chord Voices
    range_3 = liniar_range(40,48,60,67)
    rythem3, notenr_3 = ran_duration([1/8, 1/4,1/2], [1,2,1], melody_len)
    melody3 = acceptance_melody([-2,-1, 0, 1, 2],[0, 3, 1, 3, 0],pattern, 48, range_3, notenr_3,rythem3)
    volumes3 = ran_volume([0,80], [0,8], notenr_3 )
    notes3 = NoteSeq( [Note(no,octave=0, dur=du, volume=vo) for no,du,vo in zip(melody3,rythem3,volumes3)] )

    range_4 = liniar_range(40,48,60,67)
    rythem4, notenr_4 = ran_duration([1/8, 1/4,1/2], [1,2,1], melody_len)
    melody4 = acceptance_melody([-2,-1, 0, 1, 2],[0, 3, 1, 3, 0],pattern, 60, range_4, notenr_4,rythem4)
    volumes4 = ran_volume([0,80], [0,8], notenr_4 )
    notes4 = NoteSeq( [Note(no,octave=0, dur=du, volume=vo) for no,du,vo in zip(melody4,rythem4,volumes4)] )

    range_5 = liniar_range(40,48,60,67)
    rythem5, notenr_5 = ran_duration([1/8, 1/4,1/2], [1,2,1], melody_len)
    melody5 = acceptance_melody([-2,-1, 0, 1, 2],[0, 3, 1, 3, 0],pattern, 54, range_5, notenr_5,rythem5)
    volumes5 = ran_volume([0,80], [0,8], notenr_5 )
    notes5= NoteSeq( [Note(no,octave=0, dur=du, volume=vo) for no,du,vo in zip(melody5,rythem5,volumes5)] )

    instruments = [71,32,1,1,1]
    notes = [notes1,notes2,notes3,notes4,notes5]
    return notes, instruments,tune_name

tune_V ex. 1
tune_V ex. 2
tune_V ex. 2

def gen_midi():
#     squezze into a MIDI framework
    notes, instruments, tune_name = tune_V() #  <--- select a tune  <<--     <<<<<<<<<--- select a tune -----
    nTracks = len(notes)

    m = Midi(number_tracks=nTracks, tempo=120, instrument=instruments)
    for iTrack in range(nTracks):
        m.seq_notes(notes[iTrack], track=iTrack)

    #--- write the MIDI file -----
    midi_file_name = tune_name +'.mid'   # set the name of the file
    return midi_file_name

Midi: Play and Generate audio-file

External players offered a better sound quality in comparison with python libraries. We use VLC and Musescore. The soundfont for the VLC player is defined over the command line. For Musescore through the Gui in the preferences.

import subprocess
default_soundfont = '/usr/share/sounds/sf3/MuseScore_General.sf3'

def midi_play(midi_in, soundfont= default_soundfont):
    subprocess.call(['cvlc', midi_in , 'vlc://quit', '--soundfont', '/home/viturin/-vitis/Documents/MuseScore2/Soundfonts/Compifont_13082016.sf2'])   # cvlc = vlc without gui

def midi_audio(midi_in, name_out = 'none', soundfont= default_soundfont):
    if name_out == 'none' :
        name_out = midi_in.replace('.mid', '.flac')
        name_out = name_out + '.flac'
    subprocess.call(['mscore', '-o', name_out, midi_in]) # -o = export as

def midi_png(midi_in, name_out = 'none'):
    if name_out == 'none' :
        name_out = midi_in.replace('.mid', '.png')
        name_out = name_out + '.png'
    subprocess.call(['mscore', '-o', name_out, '-T', '2', midi_in]) # -o = export as , -T 2 = cut page with 2 pixel
######---  Main  ---######
midi_file_name = gen_midi()
